Do Indigenous African Sign Languages Matter?
Interview on Africa’s Advancement Trajectory
Deconstructing and Reconstructing the African’s Mind.
Indigenous Technology for Economic Empowerment of Rural Women in Rwanda
In Conversation with Dr. Chika Esiobu.
“I don’t see indigenous communities as some esoteric kind of people who should be housed in enclosures for travelers to see. They should live in their normal environment, and if someone wants to visit, it should be like going to New York or Paris.”
From old plants and old ways, a new African agriculture.
“But it’s still hard to convince African governments and foreign agencies about the value of Indigenous knowledge. While Rwandans are proud of their heritage, they’re also eager to industrialize. And they fear that embracing homegrown technologies will take their country backward, says Ezeanya Esiobu.”
Power is Knowledge:
Dr Chika Ezeanya Esiobu on the relationship between ideas and power.
“There is no universal knowledge. All though there may be some truth that may be universal, the pathways to arriving at that place is not universal. If there is a process that works in Kenya or South Africa, it does not mean it will work in other parts of the world.”
A Podcast.
An interview where I talked about indigenous knowledge and advancement of people of color.
.The role of rural women in making home brew: a Rwandan case study
Across sub-Saharan Africa traditional non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages are made from locally available produce like cereals, fresh milk, fruits, and vegetables.
Sep. 2014 Chika Ezeanya. Traditional Farming Practices for Enhanced Food Security. Muslim Science. Read here
Dec. 2013 Chika Ezeanya. Blueprint for Privatization of Nigeria’s Refineries. Pan African Voices for Freedom and Justice, Issue 661, Pambazuka News. Read here
Feb. 2013 Chika Ezeanya. After 2015, then what? Africa in a post-MDGs Era. Pan African Voices for Freedom and Justice, Issue 621, Pambazuka News. Read here
Jan. 2013 In Search of Independence for Africa’s Coastal Waters. Pan African Voices for Freedom and Justice, Issue 614 Pambazuka News. Read here
Sep. 2012 Colonialism, Corruption and the Future. Pan African Voices for Freedom and Justice, Issue 597 Pambazuka News. Read here
July 2012 The Real Tasks Ahead for Dlamini-Zuma. Pan African Voices for Freedom and Justice, Issue 595 Pambazuka News. Read here
May 2012 The Collapse of the Euro; the Fall of the CFA. Pan African Voices for Freedom and Justice, Issue 584 Pambazuka News. Read here